Convergence Between Sense and Senses is Nature Itself
The very signature of Cosmydor, “virtuous cosmetics”, indicates how the brand summarises its values, a real challenge in the skincare industry where marketing predominates at almost any cost.
This "virtue" is defined around two pillars: (i) the efficiency of craftsmanship and (ii) the beauty of sustainability. These brand pillars are detailed here, and throughout this journal.
They are the source of inspiration for packaging design, for botanists and formulators, for those who manufacture your products by hand. They draw on a very particular artisanal know-how - unique in the world to our knowledge - and a lot of heart. They inspire a constant search for solutions that are even more respectful of the planet in the sourcing of raw materials, packaging, or transportation of products.
The sense, or meaning, the brand promotes is a responsible, beautiful, efficient consumption - itself entirely based on Nature, and respecting it at every step.
But what would this search for sense be without the pleasure of the senses? Probably a pious idea, with little future. Who would want to use products with sticky, oily textures and unflattering smells?
We are all looking for skincare products that delight three of our senses: sight, smell and touch. Mostly for creams, serums, milks, cleansers or soaps this means textures and fragrances as pleasant as possible.
Our industrial competitors have understood this well, and their research and development efforts for decades have even been focused on these two aspects, at the expense of the effectiveness of the formulas, relayed to a few percent (3 to 5% in general) of the end product.
Cosmydor constantly tries to reconcile sense and senses, by completely banning synthetic molecules known to artificially improve, sometimes at the expense of health, formulas. Rather, we need to go back to Nature, and choose the plants and extracts that will provide a pleasant, if sometimes unusual, result to our skin care.
The choice is almost infinite: you just have to be interested in the incredible virtues of plants, and spend time, a lot of time, combining them in different forms (e.g. floral water, vegetable oil, essential oil), with different concentrations, different mixing techniques, at different temperatures, to achieve the desired result. At that moment we feel strongly this convergence between sense and senses.